Quality as per client vision

Directique's expertises

Client Experience

Some companies sell products and other sell services. All, go beyond what they sell, are “offering” to their clients attached services. These services apply to all acts of a client journey, from the instant they become a client, till they no longer have the use of what they bought:
  • Purchase act
  • Billing
  • Warranty
  • Customer service
  • Customization
  • etc.
These “client service journeys” are what causes the most points of contact between a company and its clients, and have the greatest but least controlled impact on their satisfaction.
The Group


A dynamic group, in full growth

Directique, is also...

  • Discover our business Professional Services
  • Discover our business Contrôle Inspection & Sécurité
Quality Process. Directique observes the customs of your clients to help you achieve your quality objectives and to optimize the balance between client satisfaction and production costs.
Directique works or has worked for prestigious demanding and always satisfied clients. Do you know them?
Press articles, Barometers, Studies for regulators, White papers, ... Come and see Directique publications.